Akshayaa Govindan
Akshayaa Govindan

I'm Akshayaa - a Product Manager @ Wish. I aspire to one day lead my own product division and maybe even a business venture of my own. My goal as a PM is to understand user/business problems and work alongside a diverse group of individuals to deliver meaningful digital solutions that enhance the user experience. I'm passionate about using technology to create a seamless, optimized user experience! I’m using Medium as an avenue for improving my writing skills, keep my curiosity satiated and share my Product Tales. While in the product realm, I’m focussing on exploring new problem spaces & sharing my learnings. With this, I hope to gain skills to effectively cultivate, lead and empower a team.

Akshayaa Govindan

Akshayaa Govindan

Product, Data & ML enthusiast || Product Manager — E-commerce